Agriculture in Anoka County 

From 2003-2005, the Anoka County Historical Society received grant money for a project to document the history of agriculture in Anoka County in the form of oral interviews. The interviews are with Anoka County farmers about their family and farming histories. Transcripts are provided below as PDF files; interview audio files may be accessed in the Reading Room at ACHS.

Please note that sometimes interviews were conducted with more than one person at the same time, so the same transcript may be linked for different names. The list is alphabetical by last name of the person who was interviewed.

Anderson, Edith (2006)
Anderson, Laurence (2005)
Anderson, Roy and Beryl
Bacon, Bruce (2003)
Berg, Dennis (2003)
Boettcher, Melvin (2011)
Broadbent, Carroll (2005)
Bruner, Gil (2005)
Brunkow, Robert
Buchholz, Marvin and Paul
Cardinal, Andrew & Stella (2003)
Daly, Frank and Vivian
Dehn, Bob and Bonnie
Driscoll, Kurt and Rita
DuFresne, Wilmer
Fields, Jim
Furrer, Samuel and Anne
Greenberg, Harvey
Hoffman, Warren
Jones, Raymond and Cynthia
Jorgensen, Irene
Joyer, Mary Jo
Knoll, Jim and Jane

Knoll, Stanley and Delores
Leistico, Orval
Lundgren, Peggy
Manthey, Joyce
McGown, Joyce
Medvecky, Beverly
Nelson, Bernard
Nelson, David
Nixon, Jean
Paulson, Janet
Paulson, Lou
Peterson, Dorothy
Peterson, Graydon and Helen
Peterson, Rachel
Proulx, Carolyn
Reimnitz, Judith
Rivard, Kathy
Sausen, Thomas and Troy
Slyzuk, Ken and Mary
Steinke, Douglas
Stranlund, Vern and Carol
Swanson, Richard
Waldoch, Lucille