Law Enforcement

Law enforcement in Anoka County has a history as old as the County itself. With 15 city fire departments, 10 city police departments, and the county sheriff’s office, as well as several historic city departments that are no longer here, many men and women have contributed to serving justice and protecting the people in Anoka County. Their stories capture both the good and the bad from our history, and give us a chance to reflect on the full range of people who have made up our county.

Note: Some interviews may cover a variety of topics, rather than focusing solely on law enforcement.

ACHS is working to make all of our interviews available online. We thank you for your patience during this transition phase.

Sheriff Bruce Andersohn

Cox, Wesley (2008) - Spring Lake Park Fire Department

Nelson, Gerald (2008) - Coon Rapids Police Department

Ralph “Buster” Talbot (2008)
Ralph “Buster” Talbot (2010)
Ralph “Buster” Talbot (2011)