The Adventures of Randy Bauer
Jerry Mimbach and Randy Bauer, both of Coon Rapids, taken during the trilogy kayak trip. In this photo Jerry and Randy are squatting on a dock with their kayaks. Photo may have been taken on the Hudson at Trojan Marine in North Troy where the two spent a night. Date unknown. (Object ID P2075.17.33)
The journey begins
Three friends decided to start an epic journey. Randy Bauer, Tom, Anderson, and Jerry Mimbach decided to kayak down the Mississippi and make a circle into the Gulf, up the Atlantic Coast, and back through the Great Lakes to make a complete, watery circle.
Anderson and Mimbach had kayaks they had put together from kits they purchased for the trip; Bauer’s kayak was one that his mother noticed at a rummage sale for $40, which he fixed up for the long trip – it was larger and heavier than the other two, with a blue and yellow hull. He named it the “Molly-B” after his sister-in-law.
Wheaties box put together by the three men who took the trip — Randy Bauer, Jerry Mimbach, and Tom Anderson. (Object ID 2738.W)
One of several photographs on projector slides taken by Randy Bauer while involved in a two year, 7,500 mile circumnavigation of the Eastern United States by kayak to learn about the natural resources, history, environment, and people of the United States. (Object ID 2019.0695.003)
After many months of research, planning, and packing the trio launched their kayaks into the waters of Lake Itasca on September 8, 1974 and set out for New Orleans. Seen off by their families they were then alone on the rivers and lakes for many days. The three men experienced unpleasant swampy areas in those early days, and places where the river quality had become poor due to pollution, but also many moments of wonder and beauty: “The walls of [wild] rice stems bent and separated as we passed through and then closed behind us.”[1] “Soon after Iron Bridge, the Mississippi flowed through hardwoods all the way to Bemidji. We called it the enchanted forest. Red maples, green ash, box elder, oak and highbush cranberry reflected their splendor in the clear river water.”[2]
They covered their first 450 miles in 21 days. They paused at home in Coon Rapids to resupply. The first leg from Lake Itasca to Coon Rapids acted as a trial run for their gear. And they had better knowledge of how much food they needed - loading up with plenty of calories: “rice, macaroni, oatmeal, peanut butter, fifty pounds of canned goods, seven pounds of homemade granola, ten pounds of cocoa mix and a case of beef jerky.”[3] They would continue to eat similarly throughout the journey.[1] Kayaking, pg. 21 [2] Kayaking, pg. 25 [3] Kayaking, pg. 40
Learn more about Randy at the book launch on January 25 at 1 p.m. at the History Center
Legendary kayak is donated
by Ryan Dawson (originally printed in 2009)
Kayak that once belonged to Randall Bauer, a world record holder for a trip that started at Lake Itasca, 1974-1975. called the "Molly B.” According to Theresa Ward, it was built in 1970 as an Industrial Arts project by Donald John Ward, her son who was in 9th grade. He designed, drew, and computed the math. It originally had a canvas cover with multiple layers of glue and was bright yellow. (Object ID 2738.A)
This summer, a truly spectacular piece of history has been donated to the Anoka County Historical Society. The newest addition is a kayak named Molly B, and was owned by the late Randy Bauer from Coon Rapids.
Sept. 8, 1974, Randy and friends Jerry Mimbach and Tom Anderson set out on an incredible journey that would land them in the Guinness Book of World Records. The trio set out in kayaks from Lake Itasca and traveled down the Mississippi River, across the Gulf Coast, around the southern tip of Florida, up the east coast, across the Hudson River to the Great Lakes and onto Duluth. The journey was called “The Trilogy” because the men traversed river, ocean and the great lakes, a grueling adventure of over 7,500 miles that stood as a Guinness World Record for five years.
While Jerry and Tom ordered kayak kits to assemble, Randy was still without a vessel six weeks before the trip until his mother found a used kayak (formerly a high school shop project) at a rummage sale for $40. “The cockpit was huge,” Randy declared in a book he was writing about the journey. He redesigned and reinforced the hull to be tougher and reworked most of the frame to fit one person. Finally, he covered the unit with cream yellow vinyl fabric, added a blue racing stripe and painted the hull dark blue. “I considered the craft beautiful, although it was a battleship compared with the sleek design of Jerry and Tom’s Kayaks.” Randy wrote.
Once the crew set out on their voyage, it didn’t take long for them to realize what they were up against. Randy’s kayak was pierced 18 times on a beaver dam on the first day. Miraculously, he was able to repair the craft with duct tape, which Molly B still proudly wears today. Exhausted but determined, the men continued on and Randy wrote. “Our equipment was hodge-podge. We were unaccustomed to it … and we were unaccustomed to each other. Even though we knew each other for a long time, it would take time and patience before we’d be able to effectively cope and accept each others strengths, weaknesses and idiosyncrasies.”
After reaching New Orleans, Tom Anderson decided to go back to school, but Jerry and Randy continued on the journey until Aug. 30, 1976, only stopping for a winter break upon entering the great lakes. There are far too many anecdotes to be included in this brief article, but it is clear that the adventure was an inspiration for Randy that stayed with him to the end and his legacy continues. This year, 146 people participated in the Randy Bauer Memorial 5K, a fund-raiser held at the Coon Rapids Dam Regional Park.
I conclude this article in Randy’s humble words, “The journey has been a ‘rebirth’ for us spiritually, physically, and mentally. We truly owe the success of our journey to the help and hospitality extended by the folks en route. Our adventure, The Trilogy, was not just an adventure of Jerry and myself, it was an adventure of all who cared or thought about us.”
Editor’s note: Ryan Dawson is a volunteer writer for the Anoka County Historical Society